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Top Fastener Distributor Chooses AI-Powered HawkSearch | BLIN Stock News

Oct 15, 2024Oct 15, 2024

Bridgeline Digital (NASDAQ: BLIN) announces that a leading fastener distributor has chosen HawkSearch to enhance its search experience across 15 countries and 12 languages. The distributor will utilize HawkSearch's Keyword & Concept Search features to improve product discovery. HawkSearch will enhance search accuracy, solve synonyms and abbreviation complexities, and improve searchability of industry jargon.

Additionally, HawkSearch will optimize part number searches, ensure accurate results for terms with varying spacing, support different format variations, and incorporate advanced machine learning and reporting capabilities. This partnership reinforces HawkSearch's position as a leading solution for the B2B sector, demonstrating its commitment to delivering exceptional search experiences.

Bridgeline Digital (NASDAQ: BLIN) annuncia che un importante distributore di fissaggi ha scelto HawkSearch per migliorare la sua esperienza di ricerca in 15 paesi e 12 lingue. Il distributore utilizzerà le funzionalità di Keyword & Concept Search di HawkSearch per migliorare la scoperta dei prodotti. HawkSearch migliorerà l'accuratezza delle ricerche, risolverà complessità legate a sinonimi e abbreviazioni e migliorerà la reperibilità del gergo del settore.

Inoltre, HawkSearch ottimizzerà le ricerche per numero di parte, garantirà risultati accurati per termini con spaziature variabili, supporterà diverse variazioni di formato e incorporerà capacità avanzate di apprendimento automatico e reporting. Questa partnership rafforza la posizione di HawkSearch come soluzione leader per il settore B2B, dimostrando il suo impegno a offrire esperienze di ricerca eccezionali.

Bridgeline Digital (NASDAQ: BLIN) anuncia que un distribuidor líder de fijaciones ha elegido HawkSearch para mejorar su experiencia de búsqueda en 15 países y 12 idiomas. El distribuidor utilizará las funciones de Keyword & Concept Search de HawkSearch para mejorar el descubrimiento de productos. HawkSearch mejorará la precisión de búsqueda, resolverá las complejidades de sinónimos y abreviaturas, y mejorará la búsqueda de la jerga de la industria.

Además, HawkSearch optimizará las búsquedas por número de parte, garantizará resultados precisos para términos con espaciado variable, admitirá diferentes variaciones de formato e incorporará capacidades avanzadas de aprendizaje automático e informes. Esta asociación refuerza la posición de HawkSearch como una solución líder para el sector B2B, demostrando su compromiso de ofrecer experiencias de búsqueda excepcionales.

Bridgeline Digital (NASDAQ: BLIN)은 주요 패스너 유통업체가 HawkSearch를 선택하여 15개 국가에서 12개 언어로 검색 경험을 향상시키기로 했다고 발표했습니다. 이 유통업체는 제품 검색 개선을 위해 HawkSearch의 키워드 및 개념 검색 기능을 활용할 것입니다. HawkSearch는 검색 정확도를 높이고, 동의어 및 약어의 복잡성을 해결하며, 산업 전문 용어의 검색 가능성을 향상시킬 것입니다.

또한, HawkSearch는 부품 번호 검색을 최적화하고, 다양한 간격을 가진 용어에 대해 정확한 결과를 보장하며, 다양한 형식 변형을 지원하고, 고급 기계 학습 및 보고 기능을 통합할 것입니다. 이 파트너십은 B2B 부문에서 HawkSearch의 위치를 강화하며, 뛰어난 검색 경험을 제공하겠다는 의지를 보여줍니다.

Bridgeline Digital (NASDAQ: BLIN) annonce qu'un distributeur de premier plan en fixations a choisi HawkSearch pour améliorer son expérience de recherche dans 15 pays et 12 langues. Le distributeur utilisera les fonctionnalités de Keyword & Concept Search de HawkSearch pour améliorer la découverte des produits. HawkSearch améliorera la précision des recherches, résoudra les complexités liées aux synonymes et aux abréviations, et améliorera la recherche du jargon industriel.

De plus, HawkSearch optimisera les recherches par numéro de pièce, garantira des résultats précis pour des termes avec des espacements variables, prendra en charge différentes variations de format et intégrera des capacités avancées d'apprentissage automatique et de reporting. Ce partenariat renforce la position de HawkSearch en tant que solution de premier plan pour le secteur B2B, démontrant son engagement à offrir des expériences de recherche exceptionnelles.

Bridgeline Digital (NASDAQ: BLIN) gibt bekannt, dass ein führender Verteiler von Befestigungselementen HawkSearch gewählt hat, um seine Sucherfahrung in 15 Ländern und 12 Sprachen zu verbessern. Der Verteiler wird die Funktionen von Keyword & Concept Search von HawkSearch nutzen, um die Produkterkennung zu verbessern. HawkSearch wird die Suchgenauigkeit steigern, Komplexitäten bei Synonymen und Abkürzungen lösen und die Suchbarkeit von branchenspezifischem Fachjargon verbessern.

Zusätzlich wird HawkSearch die Suchanfragen nach Teilenummer optimieren, genaue Ergebnisse für Begriffe mit unterschiedlichen Abständen sicherstellen, verschiedene Formatvariationen unterstützen und fortschrittliche Fähigkeiten im Bereich maschinelles Lernen und Reporting integrieren. Diese Partnerschaft stärkt die Position von HawkSearch als führende Lösung für den B2B-Sektor und zeigt das Engagement, außergewöhnliche Sucherlebnisse zu bieten.

This partnership marks a significant advancement in B2B e-commerce search technology. HawkSearch's AI-powered solution addresses critical challenges in the fastener industry, such as complex part number searches and industry-specific terminology. The implementation across 15 countries and 12 languages demonstrates the scalability and versatility of the platform.

The focus on solving synonyms and abbreviation complexities is particularly noteworthy, as it can dramatically improve user experience and conversion rates. The incorporation of advanced machine learning suggests ongoing improvements in search accuracy over time, potentially leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

For Bridgeline Digital, this deal reinforces their position in the B2B sector and could lead to further opportunities in similar industries with complex product catalogs. However, the financial impact remains unclear without specific contract details or revenue projections.

WOBURN, Mass., Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bridgeline Digital, Inc. (NASDAQ: BLIN), a leader in AI-powered search solutions, announces that a leader in fastener distribution has selected HawkSearch to enhance its search experience across 15 countries and 12 languages.

The fastener distributor will leverage HawkSearch’s Keyword & Concept Search features to improve product discovery. HawkSearch will enhance the leader’s search accuracy, solve synonyms and abbreviation complexities, and improve the searchability of industry jargon. Additionally, it will optimize part number searches, ensure accurate results for terms with varying spacing, support different format variations, and incorporate advanced machine learning and reporting capabilities.

This partnership reinforces HawkSearch’s position as a leading solution for the B2B sector, demonstrating its commitment to delivering exceptional search experiences.

“With the complex demands of the fastener industry, our platform is designed to provide a more intuitive and efficient search experience,” said Ari Kahn, CEO of Bridgeline. “HawkSearch will help them meet customer expectations and set a new standard for product discovery in the fastener sector.”

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Bridgeline helps companies grow revenue by increasing traffic, conversion rates, and average order value through AI-powered solutions. To learn more, visit


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Bridgeline Digital

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