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Water safety appeal issued

Dec 09, 2023Dec 09, 2023

June 9, 2023Emergency services, News

People have been urged to stay safe, behave responsibly and not take risks around watercourses such as lochs, rivers and reservoirs this summer.

The latest figures from the National Water Safety Forum (NWSF) show that, in 2022, a total of 226 people lost their lives to accidental drowning in the UK, including 45 in Scotland.

The call by Scottish Water follows anti-social and dangerous behaviour by groups of young people recently at some reservoirs which included vandalism, littering and diving from water towers which are working parts of the reservoirs.

Peter Farrer, Scottish Water's chief operating officer, said: "While people should enjoy any good weather we have and take pleasure around the country's beautiful lochs, reservoirs and rivers, it's absolutely vital they stay safe at all times and behave responsibly.

"As a number of tragic deaths in Scotland in recent years have shown, safety is a serious issue in all bodies of water, including lochs, reservoirs and rivers.

"At reservoirs, while the water may look harmless, there are many hidden dangers. We need to ensure everyone is aware of these hazards.

"We are reminding parents to keep their children safe and asking adults to act responsibly around reservoirs and other watercourses."

Deep, cold water is a particular danger at reservoirs, which are working parts of Scottish Water's infrastructure.

Dams, steep banks, spillways (overflows) and underwater pipework can also present real hazards.

Many of the publicly-owned utility's reservoirs are situated in remote locations, meaning there is a lack of immediate assistance and mobile phone reception can be poor.

In the interests of public safety, Scottish Water does not encourage swimming in its reservoirs.

The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) is backing Scottish Water's advice.

RLSS UK's annual Drowning Prevention Week runs from June 17 to 24 and encourages people to do their bit to ensure the UK's accessible waterways, are fun and secure places for everyone to take pleasure in.

It charity director Lee Heard said: "Sadly we see a rise in accidental drownings during the summer months with 46% of accidental drownings in the UK occurring in June, July and August.

"It is vitally important that everyone has an understanding of water safety, especially as the weather warms up and we see the temperatures rise as we have in recent years.

"In 2022, 60% of accidental drownings occurred at inland water such as rivers, canals, lochs and lakes, reservoirs and quarries.

"It is vital that we share water safety messaging as we may see people wishing to cool off in the variety of waterways, however, just because the air temperature has increased does not mean the water temperature has; the water can remain extremely cold which results in dangers such as cold water shock when people enter the water. We know that with the right water safety knowledge, accidental drownings are avoidable.

"We want to ensure everyone can enjoy their summer break and being in or around water but be safe in the knowledge that they, and their children, have the skills and understanding about water safety, which could potentially save a life."

Also supporting Scottish Water's call, Carlene McAvoy, leisure safety manager at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), said: "Often, open waters in the UK are much colder than anticipated and can lead to cold water shock. This can affect your ability to breathe, overwhelms your ability to swim, and can lead to drowning.

"Even the strongest swimmers can be impacted by cold water shock, so it's always important to be mindful of this."

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Station Commander James Sullivan, who is Chair of Water Safety Scotland, an association of organisations working to prevent water-related fatalities whose members include Scottish Water, added: "It's imperative that anyone entering water is fully aware of the risks – some of which cannot be seen.

"We would strongly advise everyone to familiarise themselves with the Water Safety Code before even contemplating entering water. Entering water before being aware of the risks often leads to tragic results."